Building resilient applications on AWS with Capital One (ARC334)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Guiding Principles

  • Everything fails all the time (quote from AWS CTO)
  • Failures cannot be legislated against, focus on fast detection and response (quote from a VC2 founder)
  • Resilience is not just about design and architecture, it's also about how the application and team responds to failures

Failure Scenarios

  • Hard failures (e.g., AZ outage) are easy to detect and recover from using managed services
  • Gray failures (e.g., application-level issues) are harder to detect and recover from, require better observability

Key Focus Areas for Resilience

  1. Fault Isolation:

    • Physical boundaries (availability zones, regions, global services)
    • Logical boundaries (microservices, AWS accounts, "cellular" architecture)
  2. Observability:

    • Granular metrics and dimensions to detect issues early
    • Composite alarms to provide a holistic view of application health
    • Proactive operational reviews to continuously improve
  3. Recovery:

    • Static stability (pre-provisioned capacity, avoiding new runtime dependencies)
    • Retrying with exponential backoff and jitter
    • Routing around failures using deep health checks
    • Application Recovery Control (ARC) for regional and zonal traffic shifting
    • Aligning deployment and recovery actions

Capital One's Resilience Approaches

  1. Authorization Platform:

    • Zonal-independent cell architecture for low-latency, high-throughput transactions
    • Deep health checks and a resilience engine to monitor and route traffic
    • Fallback to degraded mode to maintain customer experience
  2. Core Banking Platform:

    • Regional cell-based architecture for tenant isolation and dynamic scaling
    • Fault isolation to enable independent cell operations and prevent retry storms
    • Leveraging AWS services (Route 53, ELB) for native failover capabilities

Key Takeaways

  • Resilience is a continuous journey, not a one-size-fits-all solution
  • Deep observability and understanding of business workflows are crucial
  • Aligning application design, deployment, and recovery actions is essential
  • Capital One's examples showcase how resilience can be implemented in mission-critical financial applications

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