Inside Tripadvisor’s real-time personalization with ScyllaDB and AWS (DAT204)

Key Takeaways from the Video Transcription

Challenges with Data-Intensive Applications

  • Data-intensive applications require sustaining high throughput and predictable low latencies, often in the single-digit millisecond range.
  • With growth, costs can become a concern, forcing organizations to trade-off between costs and user experience.

Introduction to ScyllaDB

  • ScyllaDB is a highly available, distributed database optimized for workloads requiring high throughput and predictable low latencies, with a focus on infrastructure cost savings.
  • ScyllaDB can deliver 5 times higher throughput and 20 times lower latencies compared to other databases, leading to up to 75% infrastructure cost savings.
  • ScyllaDB is fully compatible with Apache Cassandra and Amazon DynamoDB APIs and is available as a managed cloud solution or a self-managed enterprise deployment.

ScyllaDB Use Cases

  • Companies like Disney+, Kulu, Discord, Epic Games, EA Games, and Starbucks rely on ScyllaDB for their data-intensive applications.

Determining if ScyllaDB is a Fit

  • The provided chart shows a cluster of users with workloads ranging from 100 to 500,000 operations per second, requiring single-digit to less than 20 millisecond P99 response times, which is where Trip Advisor's use case falls.

Trip Advisor's Use of ScyllaDB

System Architecture

  • Trip Advisor's platform runs on hundreds of independently scalable microservices in containers, both on-premises and on Amazon EKS.
  • The machine learning model serving platform abstracts over 100 ML models, enabling A/B testing to find the best models.
  • The custom feature store provides both static and user features, with static features stored in Redis and user features served in real-time through ScyllaDB.

Technologies and Processes

  • The feature store serves up to 5 million static features per second and 500,000 user features per second.
  • User events and data are ingested through Amazon Kinesis, organized by microservices, and stored in ScyllaDB and the offline data warehouse.
  • ScyllaDB is used for the real-time user activity data, while the offline data warehouse is used for reporting and training ML models.
  • The microservices have strict latency requirements, with 95% of calls required to complete within 12 milliseconds.

ScyllaDB Performance

  • At peak, ScyllaDB is handling 340,000 operations per second, with CPU utilization at only 21%.
  • ScyllaDB's performance, with microsecond-level reads and millisecond-level writes, is a key reason for its adoption at Trip Advisor.

Migration to ScyllaDB

  • Trip Advisor initially used Cassandra on-premises but faced challenges with operational overhead and high tail latencies.
  • They migrated to ScyllaDB Cloud, then to the bring-your-own-account model, which allowed for improved application performance and better data privacy.

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