Optimizing the world's top apps: How Meta tests using AWS Device Farm (FWM204)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format:

Overview of Mobile App Testing Challenges

  • App developers face various challenges in testing their mobile apps, including:
    • Deciding between testing on real devices vs. emulators/simulators
    • Managing a diverse set of devices with different screen sizes, OS versions, hardware, etc.
    • Setting up and maintaining a device lab, which requires dedicated resources
    • Identifying the root cause of issues, especially for performance regressions

Introduction to AWS Device Farm

  • AWS Device Farm is a fully managed application testing service that provides access to real, unmodified devices.
  • Key features:
    • Scale testing across hundreds of devices in parallel
    • Server-side execution to ensure consistency across locations
    • Customization capabilities (e.g., mocking locations, network emulation)
    • Integration with popular CI/CD tools and frameworks
    • Public and private device options for flexibility

Meta's Approach to Mobile App Testing

Release Process at Meta

  • Meta releases updates to their apps weekly, with each release potentially impacting millions of users.
  • The typical release process involves:
    • Developer coding and unit testing
    • Code review and basic end-to-end testing
    • More extensive end-to-end testing before QA and release

Correctness Testing

  • Challenges with conditional code execution based on environment
  • Issues related to GPU differences between devices and emulators

Performance Testing

  • Challenges in measuring and detecting subtle performance regressions
  • Techniques used at Meta:
    • Proxying server requests and replaying responses
    • Comparing performance on the same device before and after changes
    • Running at least 50 trials to get a more accurate signal
    • Minimizing noise from background processes and CPU throttling

Leveraging AWS Device Farm

  • Variety of device options and high availability
  • Support for rooted devices to enable advanced customization
  • Streamlined remote access and improved performance

Continuous Improvement and Future Plans

  • Ongoing enhancements to AWS Device Farm:
    • Support for newer test frameworks and features
    • Improved remote access performance
    • Faster test host machines and better dependency management
    • Faster error debugging and more helpful feedback


  • Device testing is crucial for ensuring the quality and performance of mobile apps, even with the challenges involved.
  • AWS Device Farm provides a comprehensive solution to address these challenges and enable teams like Meta to optimize their apps.

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