Accelerating gen AI success: From pilot to production in under 6 weeks (MAM330)

Accelerating GEN Success: From Pilot to Production


  • Impetus helps customers become more intelligent and deliver the intelligent enterprise.
  • Impetus brings unparalleled cloud, data, and AI expertise to enable this.
  • Innovative value-driven services approach helps identify problems and create custom solutions.
  • Impetus is an innovation thought leader, working closely with AWS.

Challenges in the GEN Space

  • Enterprises have fragmented approaches, varying levels of data readiness, and limited budgets and bandwidth.
  • This leads to unforced governance and outcome risk, with tech teams building solutions not connected to business needs.

Impetus Innovation GEN Labs

  • Impetus has created a structured approach to enable predictable, demonstrable outcomes for customers within short timelines.
  • This includes:
    • Strategy Lab: A 2-day joint workshop to understand the use case and align business and tech teams.
    • Design Lab: A joint engagement to create the architecture for the solution.
    • GEN Build Lab: A 3-5 week engagement to build the production-ready solution.
  • This structured approach accelerates the process, as opposed to teams struggling with technology choices and options.

Data Platform Modernization

  • Impetus uses its product, Leap Logic, to accelerate the journey to the cloud.
  • Leap Logic intelligently identifies what needs to be modernized, re-architected, or re-hosted, translating legacy code to the desired cloud stack.
  • This can achieve up to 95% automation, with 40-50% reduction in effort and cost.

Case Study: United Airlines

  • United Airlines was planning to migrate from Teradata to Redshift.
  • Impetus used Leap Logic to automate 90% of the process, converting 3,000 programs and migrating the data.

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