Accelerating Web3: Blockchain innovation with AWS Cloud infrastructure (BLC306)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in Markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

AWS's Perspective on Web3

  • AWS sees Web3 as going beyond just cryptocurrency, focusing on the foundational principles of decentralization.
  • Web3 applications leverage decentralized technologies like blockchain, virtual machines, and decentralized storage.
  • The most common Web3 use cases are digital assets, including the digital representation of real-world assets and natively digital assets like cryptocurrencies.
  • Web3 applications leverage the exchangeability and programmability of digital assets to facilitate new product development and reimagine existing paradigms like payments.

Challenges in Building Web3 Applications

  • Building Web3 applications involves making complex decisions upfront, such as choosing between public or permissioned protocols, custodial or non-custodial wallets, and more.
  • These decisions can significantly impact how customers interact with the final product.
  • AWS aims to help customers navigate these challenges by providing guidance and best practices based on their experience working with many Web3 customers.

AWS's Foundational Pillars for Web3

  1. Managed Services:

    • EC2 instances with Nitro system for secure node hosting and Nitro Enclaves for secure data processing.
    • DynamoDB for high-performance applications.
    • Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) for public blockchain access and AMB Query for blockchain data accessibility.
  2. Do-It-Yourself Web3 Solutions:

    • AWS Node Runners for simplified blockchain node deployment.
    • AWS Public Blockchain Data for free access to blockchain data sets.
    • AWS Nitro Enclaves Blockchain Wallet for secure wallet blueprints.
    • Graph Blockchain Indexer for detailed smart contract data querying.
  3. Partner-based Web3 Solutions:

    • AWS Marketplace and Partner Network offer a variety of Web3 solutions built by AWS partners.
    • Examples include wallet providers, oracle services, and exchange platforms.

Web3 Use Case Demonstrations

  1. Tokenization:

    • Key components: Tokenization engine, data and analytics, custody solution, and oracle services.
    • Leverages EC2, Nitro Enclaves, KMS, and partner solutions.
  2. Cryptocurrency Exchange:

    • Key requirements: Ultra-low latency, scalability, high availability, and fairness.
    • Leverages AWS services like Amazon Cluster Placement Groups, MSK, and EC2 optimizations.'s Journey on AWS

  • launched their exchange platform in 2019, focusing on spot trading.
  • In 2021, they launched a new derivatives exchange with event-sourcing design and scalable architecture.
  • In 2022, they merged their spot and derivatives exchanges into a unified platform, supporting multiple assets and advanced trading strategies.
  • Key challenges addressed: Stability, scalability, and latency.
  • Leveraged AWS services like Private Link, Cluster Placement Groups, and OS-level optimizations to achieve exceptional performance and stability.

Emerging Trends in Web3

  1. Blockchain Technologies:

    • Proliferation of high-throughput chains, rollup-as-a-service, and increased need for interoperability solutions.
  2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi):

    • Emphasis on improved user experience, interoperability, and new yield generation opportunities.
  3. Convergence of Web3 and AI:

    • Natural language processing to query blockchain data, predictive analytics for trading, and AI agents in DeFi.


  • AWS Node Runners
  • AWS Public Blockchain Data
  • AWS Nitro Enclaves Blockchain Wallet
  • Graph Blockchain Indexer
  • Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB)
  • AWS Blogs and Workshops

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