Amazon CloudFront Hosting Toolkit: A new tool for frontend hosting (CDN312)
Cloudfront Hosting Toolkit
Cloudfront Hosting Toolkit is an open-source tool created by the AWS team to help developers host static front-ends on AWS in a simple and easy way while retaining full control over the underlying infrastructure.
The speaker, Asha Suk, is an AWS Solutions Architect with 7 years of experience.
Challenges with Hosting Static Front-ends on AWS
The most common approach is to use AWS Amplify Hosting, which is a managed service that takes care of everything for you.
However, there are scenarios where you might want to customize the underlying infrastructure, such as:
Customizing content delivery
Serving static front-end and APIs on the same domain
Localizing the website using Edge functions
Customizing the hosting itself (e.g., encryption, multi-region origins)
The Cloudfront Hosting Toolkit deploys the necessary underlying infrastructure for hosting your static front-ends in your AWS account, allowing you to have full control over them.
It provides a simple developer experience using a CLI, allowing you to connect your GitHub project and deploy your website within a few minutes, without requiring extensive AWS knowledge.
Key Features
Integrates with GitHub for automatic and instant deployments
Applies best practices for Cloudfront and S3 configuration
Supports custom domains
Provides a deployment pipeline orchestrated using AWS services (CodePipeline, CodeBuild, Step Functions)
Architecture Overview
Deployment Pipeline:
Orchestrated using AWS CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and Step Functions
New versions are deployed by uploading the build artifacts to a new folder in an S3 bucket
A change is then triggered to update the Cloudfront distribution to point to the new version
Hosting Infrastructure:
Uses an S3 bucket to store the website artifacts
Serves the content through Amazon Cloudfront
Maintains a key-value store in Cloudfront Edge locations to track the current version of the website
Cloudfront functions running at the Edge locations rewrite the request URL to the correct version folder in the S3 bucket
Cloudfront Overview
Cloudfront is the content delivery service of AWS, recommended for all HTTP-based web applications.
It provides better reliability, performance, security, and cost-efficiency compared to direct S3 hosting.
Cloudfront has around 700 Points of Presence (PoPs) globally, enabling low-latency content delivery.
Request Flow
User makes a request to the website (e.g., about page)
The request is received by a Cloudfront Edge location
A Cloudfront function running at the Edge location fetches the current build ID from the key-value store
The function rewrites the URL to point to the correct version folder in the S3 bucket
If it's the first request for the new version, the content is fetched from S3 and cached at the Edge location
Subsequent requests for the same version are served directly from the Cloudfront cache
Getting Started and Contributing
The documentation for the Cloudfront Hosting Toolkit is available online, providing details on how to use the CLI and the CDK construct.
Contributions to the project are welcome, as the team has many ideas and would like to involve more volunteers to help maintain and add new features to the toolkit.
Additional Resources
The speaker, Asha Suk, posts educational content on LinkedIn related to Cloudfront and Edge security, which may be of interest to the audience.
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