Amazon EKS for edge and hybrid use cases (KUB310)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format:

Key Takeaways

  • Customers face challenges in running hybrid environments - on-premises and cloud workloads with different operational models and skill requirements
  • Kubernetes has become a standard platform, but managing Kubernetes control planes on-premises is still challenging
  • AWS provides various solutions to address hybrid and edge use cases:
    • Amazon EKS on AWS Outposts
    • Amazon EKS Anywhere
    • Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes

Amazon EKS on AWS Outposts

  • Extends the EKS control plane running in the AWS cloud to customer on-premises data centers
  • Two deployment options:
    1. Extended clusters: EKS control plane in the cloud, nodes on Outposts
    2. Local clusters: EKS control plane on Outposts for disconnected environments

Amazon EKS Anywhere

  • Enables customers to deploy Kubernetes clusters on their own hardware and virtualized environments
  • Provides a complete stack of components:
    • Infrastructure providers (bare metal, virtualized)
    • EKS distribution of Kubernetes
    • Cluster lifecycle management and operations
    • Curated add-on packages
  • Supports multiple deployment options (single cluster, management + workload clusters)
  • Allows declarative cluster management and cellular cluster management

Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes

  • Allows running Kubernetes nodes on customer-managed hardware and attaching them to the EKS control plane running in the cloud
  • Offloads operational responsibility for the Kubernetes control plane to AWS
  • Customers can continue using their on-premises hardware while benefiting from the managed EKS control plane
  • Supports networking configuration to enable communication between the cloud control plane and on-premises nodes/pods
  • Best practices:
    • Automate node bootstrap using the node-adm tool
    • Create clusters in the closest AWS region for low latency
    • Leverage compatible EKS add-ons for monitoring, logging, and identity management
    • Work closely with networking and security teams to ensure necessary connectivity and security rules

Learning More about Amazon EKS

  • Attend other sessions at re:Invent on the Kubernetes track and the Hybrid/Edge track
  • Take the Amazon EKS workshop, review the best practices guide, and explore the EKS Hybrid documentation
  • Access session materials and recordings after re:Invent

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