Amazon EKS: When troubleshooting becomes a months-long journey (DEV345)

Troubleshooting an Amazon EKS Issue: A Lengthy Journey


  • As a DevOps engineer, the narrator was tasked with resolving a production issue that was causing a critical service to be down.
  • The issue was initially difficult to diagnose, as the error message was a generic "Gateway Timeout" error, which did not provide much insight into the root cause.

Symptoms vs. Root Cause

  • The narrator explained the importance of distinguishing between the symptoms and the real problem when troubleshooting an issue.
  • The symptoms, in this case, were the white page displaying the Gateway Timeout error and the timeout when trying to access the EKS cluster.
  • The narrator suspected the issue was between the Application Load Balancer (ALB) and the EKS cluster, rather than with the Route 53 or the AWS Lambda service.

Initial Troubleshooting Steps

  • The narrator checked the health of the EKS cluster, including the nodes and pods, and everything appeared to be functioning correctly.
  • When restarting the pods, the issue would temporarily resolve, but then reappear on the same node.
  • This led the team to suspect that the issue was related to the specific node, and they started automating the process of detecting and killing the problematic nodes.

Deeper Troubleshooting

  • After the initial troubleshooting, the narrator decided to start from scratch and thoroughly investigate the cluster, ensuring that all components were up-to-date and properly configured.
  • They reviewed the cluster logs and found a small error message related to permissions, which they suspected might be related to the issue.
  • The team also discovered that an external agent, installed for logging and monitoring purposes, was not compatible with the EKS cluster and was causing networking issues.

Lessons Learned

  1. Consider all components, including external tools and agents, when troubleshooting issues in a complex environment like an EKS cluster.
  2. Ensure that all tools and agents are compatible with the specific environment before deploying them.
  3. Be patient and persistent when troubleshooting complex issues, as the root cause may not be immediately obvious.
  4. Implement robust observability and alerting mechanisms to quickly detect and respond to issues in the production environment.
  5. Automate the troubleshooting and remediation processes to reduce the time required to resolve issues.


The narrator's experience highlights the challenges of troubleshooting issues in a production environment, especially when dealing with a complex, distributed system like an EKS cluster. The key takeaways from this journey are the importance of comprehensive investigation, validating compatibility, and the need for patience and persistence when resolving difficult problems.

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