Beyond 11 9s of durability: Data protection with Amazon S3 (STG339)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Background on 11 9s of Durability in Amazon S3

  • Ian McGarry, Software Development Manager for Amazon S3, discusses the internal mechanisms and checks that Amazon S3 uses to achieve 11 9s of durability.
  • S3 operates at a massive scale, with millions of drives and over 1 PB of data transfer per second.
  • S3 has three core pillars to ensure durability: device failure, zone failure, and operational changes.
  • Device failure is handled through integrity checks, data redundancy, and periodic durability auditing.
  • Zone failure is handled by storing data across multiple availability zones, allowing S3 to tolerate the loss of an entire zone.
  • S3 uses a robust DNS-based routing system to route around zone failures quickly, ensuring availability.
  • S3 also has strong controls and guardrails in place, such as deployment restrictions and shadow mode testing, to mitigate the impact of operational changes.
  • S3 started as a globally distributed service but later shifted to a regionally isolated architecture to improve performance and durability.

Beyond 11 9s: Data Protection in Amazon S3

  • Data protection objectives: Protect against accidental deletes, overwrites, and lifecycle expirations; build resiliency against bad actors and regional issues; and meet governance and compliance requirements.
  • Data protection and security are closely related, with features like IAM, MFA, and encryption providing benefits for both.
  • The continuum of data protection includes:
    • Versioning: Protects against overwrites and accidental deletes.
    • MFA Delete: Adds an additional layer of protection for versioning.
    • Object Lock: Enforces retention periods and legal holds for data.
    • Cross-bucket, cross-account, and multi-region protection:
      • S3 Replication: Replicates data across regions or accounts.
      • Batch Operations: Enables bulk replication of existing data.
      • Backup Solutions: Isolated, managed backups of S3 data.
  • Auditing and monitoring features:
    • Trusted Advisor: Identifies buckets without versioning enabled.
    • AWS Config: Monitors changes to bucket configurations.
    • S3 Storage Lens: Provides metrics and visibility into data protection settings.

Protecting Against Accidental Deletes, Overwrites, and Lifecycle Expirations

  • Versioning protects against overwrites by creating a new version for each update, and delete markers instead of object deletions.
  • Lifecycle rules can manage the retention of current and non-current versions.
  • Conditional checks like if-match can prevent accidental overwrites.
  • Cloud Trail can be used to monitor and audit changes to bucket configurations.

Cross-Region and Cross-Account Protection

  • S3 Replication enables replication of data across regions or accounts, with options for delete marker replication, storage class selection, and cross-account replication.
  • Replication provides fault tolerance and allows for quick recovery in the event of a regional outage.
  • Batch Operations can be used to retroactively replicate existing data.
  • Replication Time Control provides SLA-backed replication with event notifications.
  • Backup Solutions, both AWS-managed and partner solutions, provide isolated and managed backups of S3 data.

Recap and Resources

  • Key takeaways:
    • Choose the right data protection features and make them the default.
    • Audit and monitor for unexpected changes.
    • Regularly review new features and updates.
  • Additional resources:
    • Skill Builder for training and learning opportunities.
    • Customer surveys to provide feedback and help shape future improvements.

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