Boost performance and reduce costs in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS (DAT315)
Optimizing Cost and Performance in Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora
Journey with Amazon RDS
Challenge 1: Increased Workload
Solution: Used instance right-sizing and leveraged the latest Graviton innovation to achieve improved price-performance.
Challenge 2: Noisy Neighbors
Solution: Offloaded reporting queries to read replicas to eliminate interference with the core customer application.
Challenge 3: I/O Latency
Solution: Performed storage right-sizing by moving from GP2 to IO2 Block Express to achieve sub-millisecond I/O latency.
Challenge 4: Slow Reporting Queries
Solution: Used RDS Optimized Reads feature with the latest Graviton instances to improve query performance by 2x without significant cost increase.
Challenge 5: High Backup Costs
Solution: Reduced backup costs by 30% by using a cost-efficient long-term backup approach, including snapshot export to S3 and logical backups.
Importance of Visibility and Detection
Discussed the importance of using tools like CloudWatch, Performance Insights, and Enhanced Monitoring to identify and address performance and cost challenges.
Announced the new CloudWatch Database Insights feature, which provides a unified view of database monitoring and the ability to correlate database performance with application performance.
Journey with Amazon Aurora
Challenge 1: Burst I/O Costs
Solution: Leveraged Aurora I/O Optimized pricing option to improve cost predictability and reduce I/O costs by up to 28%.
Challenge 2: Noisy Neighbors
Solution: Introduced read replicas to offload reporting queries and improve performance without impacting the core application.
Challenge 3: Testing Environment Costs
Solution: Used Aurora Fast Clones to create test environments at low cost, achieving a 90% storage cost reduction and 38% compute cost reduction.
Challenge 4: Global Resilience and Low Latency
Solution: Implemented Aurora Global Database to enable low-latency reads in multiple regions and provide global disaster recovery.
Challenge 5: Scalability Limits
Solution: Leveraged Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 (Postgres Limitless) to automatically scale storage and throughput as needed, without capacity constraints.
Key Takeaways
Optimizing cost and performance are complementary tasks that should be addressed together.
Both Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora provide common tools, such as Performance Insights and Enhanced Monitoring, to help identify and address performance and cost challenges.
Visibility and detection are crucial, and the new CloudWatch Database Insights feature can provide a unified view and correlation between database and application performance.
Leveraging the latest innovations in Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora, such as Graviton instances, I/O Optimized pricing, and Aurora Serverless v2, can help achieve significant cost savings and performance improvements.
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