Build Amazon Q apps to scale and drive community engagement (DEV201)

Here's a detailed summary of the key points from the video transcription, broken down into sections:


  • The speakers, Victoria and Linda, met at AWS re:Invent 2023 and started collaborating on organizing technical events.
  • They want to share their insights on building community and leveraging generative AI to amplify their efforts.

Generative AI on AWS

  • AWS provides a stack for building generative AI applications:
    • Efficient infrastructure for training models
    • Bedrock service for accessing foundation models
    • Generative AI applications like Amazon QuickSight Business
  • The focus today is on Amazon QuickSight Business, which allows integrating your own data sources.

Identifying Event Locations

  • To find AWS user groups and partners in California, the team:
    • Scraped the AWS user group directory using a custom Lambda function and S3 connector
    • Used a web crawler to scrape AWS partner data, handling dynamic content and unstructured data

Identifying Speakers

  • Leveraged the AWS Community Builder and Hero data, as well as the AWS Sessions speaker directory
  • Concatenated data from various sources into a natural language description to improve integration with Amazon QuickSight Business

Identifying Event Dates

  • Analyzed AWS events and data to avoid scheduling conflicts
  • Used web scraping and the YouTube API to gather relevant information

Promoting the Event

  • Utilized the AWS Events YouTube channel and the AWS Community Blog to gather content and tone for event promotion
  • Created an Amazon QuickSight Business app to streamline the event planning and promotion process

Key Takeaways

  • Establish a specific use case and comprehensive data strategy for generative AI
  • Ensure compliant AI implementation by checking data sources and permissions
  • Provided resources for getting started, including a GitHub repository and a workshop on building generative AI apps with Amazon QuickSight Business

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