Building event-driven architectures using Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate (SVS339)

Building Event-Driven Architectures using Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate

What is Event-Driven Architecture?

  • An event is a JSON object that represents a change in system state
  • Events cannot be changed, but can be modified by creating new events
  • Events are a contract between the producer and the consumer

Event-Driven Architecture is:

  • Something happens, and we react
  • This allows for decoupling of applications

Integration Patterns in Event-Driven Architecture

Synchronous Request-Response

  • Advantages: Low latency, simple, fail fast
  • Disadvantages: Potential for throttling, added complexity, resiliency issues

Asynchronous Communication

  • Introduces a broker that acknowledges the request but does not do the work
  • Consumers pull the data from the broker when ready

Event Routers

  • Route one event at a time
  • Target multiple endpoints and protocols
  • Filter at the router level

Event Bus

  • Reduces location coupling
  • Efficient for the sender
  • Routing logic handled at the rule level

Event Topics

  • Broadcast to multiple consumers
  • Filter the consumer at the topic level
  • Support multiple protocols (email, SMS, Lambda, etc.)

Event Stores

  • Handle multiple events
  • Ensure order is enforced (FIFO)
  • Support dead-letter queues

SQS and Amazon MQ

  • Fully managed message queues
  • Scale almost infinitely

Event Store Streams

  • All services get all events
  • Filtering must be done at the consumer
  • Order is enforced based on different parameters

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Amazon MSK (Kafka)

  • Provide high-throughput streaming capabilities

AWS Fargate for Event-Driven Architectures

  • Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers
  • Allows you to run containers without managing the underlying infrastructure
  • Inherent qualities that make it well-suited for event-driven architectures:
    • Scalable
    • Supports microservices
    • Integrates with event-based services like EventBridge and Step Functions

Patterns for AWS Fargate

Standalone Tasks

  • Run tasks based on events (e.g., video processing, scheduled processing)
  • Considerations:
    • Use when Lambda is not a good fit
    • Manage task failures separately
    • Burst can cause scaling issues

Long-Running Services

  • Run services that need to be up 24/7
  • Scale dynamically based on metrics (e.g., queue depth, backlog per task)

Push-Based Patterns

  • Use EventBridge to send events to public or private APIs
  • API Destination feature allows sending events to APIs with rate limiting and retry handling

Pull-Based Patterns

  • Process messages from queues (e.g., SQS)
  • Scale task instances dynamically based on queue depth or custom metrics

Orchestration Patterns

  • Use AWS Step Functions to orchestrate workflows
    • Async pattern: Fire-and-forget
    • Sync pattern: Wait for task completion
    • Callback pattern: Get task results
  • Step Functions Activity pattern: Decouple workflow and task processing


  • Slides and recordings of related sessions:
  • Serverless learning resources:

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