Building multi-account, multi-region apps with Terraform Stacks (DOP206)


  • The session is about building multi-environment, multi-region applications with Terraform Stacks.
  • The speakers are Welly, a Principal Partner Solution Architect at AWS, and Kareem, a Senior Developer Advocate at HashiCorp.

Use Cases for Multi-Environment, Multi-Region

  1. Platform Infrastructure:

    • Deploy resources like networking, security, IAM roles consistently across multiple environments and workloads.
    • Key challenges are managing state, ensuring consistency, and navigating the directory structure.
    • Existing solutions include AWS Account Factory for Terraform and Terraform templates.
  2. Application Workloads:

    • Applications span both infrastructure and application components, e.g., a Kubernetes cluster with add-ons.
    • Challenges include managing dependencies between resources, such as VPC, cluster, and workloads.
    • Typical approach is to split deployments into multiple Terraform workspaces, leading to a complex matrix of dependencies.

Introducing Terraform Stacks

  • Terraform Stacks aims to provide a way to declaratively define deployments, building on top of existing Terraform modules.
  • Key components of a Terraform Stack:
    1. Components: Combination of Terraform modules that define the infrastructure resources.
    2. Deployments: Define how components are deployed, including the number of times and across which regions/accounts.
    3. Orchestration: Define rules and checks to manage the deployment process.
    4. Fur Changes: Allow work to continue in the background while Terraform resolves unknown values.


  1. Simple IAM Role Deployment:

    • Defined IAM roles as components.
    • Deployed the roles across two AWS accounts using the Deployments.
    • Demonstrated the ability to specify provider configurations and orchestration rules.
  2. Multi-Account, Multi-Region Deployment:

    • Modeled the deployment using organizational units (OUs) and a list of accounts.
    • Leveraged the flexibility of Terraform Stacks to loop through the accounts and regions.
    • Demonstrated the deployment of VPC and EKS cluster components across multiple environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Terraform Stacks provides a scalable and efficient way to manage multi-environment, multi-region deployments.
  • It offers features like improved visibility, consolidated configuration, and better orchestration capabilities.
  • Terraform Stacks integrates with HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) for a complete infrastructure management solution.
  • The presented concepts and demos are available on GitHub for further exploration.

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