Building production-grade resilient architectures with Amazon EKS (KUB404)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Building Production-Grade, Resilient Architectures with Amazon EKS

Platform Engineering on EKS

  • Platforms are built by platform engineers to provide cloud infrastructure as a service for application teams.
  • Platform teams are organized by teams, applications, and infrastructure.
  • There is a growing trend in the adoption of EKS, with 33% year-over-year growth in the number of clusters being managed.

Cluster Lifecycle Management

  • Unmanaged growth of EKS clusters can lead to challenges:
    • Difficulty in enforcing standards across the fleet of clusters
    • Automation challenges
    • Lack of a single source of truth
    • Addon management
    • Workload matching and cost optimization

Cluster Management Patterns

  • Platform teams are shifting from providing templates as a service to offering more managed services:
    • Cluster-as-a-Service
    • Namespace-as-a-Service
    • Application Deployment-as-a-Service

GitOps-Driven Cluster Management

  • Using GitOps for cluster management provides benefits like reduced complexity, enhanced visibility, and increased security.
  • The cluster's bill of materials includes the control plane, worker nodes, and addons, all of which can be managed through GitOps.
  • Argo CD can be used as the GitOps agent to reconcile the desired state with the actual state of the cluster.

Cluster Resiliency and Upgrades

  • Upgrading clusters in batches requires safeguards to ensure resiliency and availability.
  • The EKS team uses a "cell" approach to upgrade clusters, where a "cell" represents a unit of work (e.g., a single cluster) that is upgraded in waves.
  • The time between waves (the "bake" or "soak" time) decreases as the number of cells increases, and different levels of testing are performed between waves.
  • This pattern can be applied to your own EKS clusters, with the GitOps-driven process used to orchestrate the rollout.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Platform teams are responsible for keeping clusters up and running, providing a reliable service to application teams.
  • Observability strategies should include proactive alerting, runbooks, and feedback loops to enable the continuous delivery process.

Observability Challenges

  • Determining what to monitor and set alert thresholds for can be challenging, as the number of components and workloads in a cluster can be extensive.
  • Maintaining an aggregate view of all clusters, across accounts and regions, is important for managing the fleet at scale.

Cluster Inventory Management

  • Developer portals like Backstage can be used to provide a centralized view of all EKS clusters, including metadata, relationships, and deep links to other systems.


Ensuring Consistency at Scale

  • Policies as code engines like OPA, Gatekeeper, and Kube-bench can be used to enforce consistency and guardrails across the cluster fleet.

Policy Management Challenges

  • Keeping cluster upgrades on track by preventing deployments of deprecated APIs or resources that can block the rollout.
  • Ensuring application availability by enforcing things like pod disruption budgets.

Policy Management Patterns

  • Using a single Helm chart to deploy all policies, with the ability to enable/disable specific policies for different clusters or environments.
  • Handling exceptions by leveraging policy engine features like OPA's exceptions.
  • Aggregating policy violations using tools like Kube-bench's Policy Reporter, integrating with security services like AWS Security Hub.

Additional Resources

  • EKS Workshop Hands-On Labs
  • EKS Best Practices Guide
  • EKS-related sessions at re:Invent 2023
  • GitHub repository with links to related resources

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