Building resilient applications and environments: Is less more? (SEC208)

Here is the summary of the video transcription in detail, broken down into sections for better readability:


  • This is a sponsor session by VMware (VH) software, where Sam Nichols (Senior Director) and Michael Cade (CTO) will discuss building resilient applications and environments.
  • VH software has evolved beyond just being a backup company, and now supports over 150 types of platforms and workloads.
  • The session will focus on the notion of resilience - the ability of a system, application, or infrastructure to withstand and recover from failures.

Resilience Challenges

  • Organizations are often doing the right things, like building multi-cluster applications and ensuring high availability, but fall short when it comes to the public cloud, such as IaaS and Kubernetes.
  • Relying solely on snapshots is not enough, as they do not replace the need for true backups.
  • The speakers share a recent example of an Australian superannuation fund that was able to recover from a cloud provider's administrative error due to having a true backup stored outside the cloud platform.

Shared Responsibility in the Cloud

  • When moving to the public cloud, there is a common misconception that the cloud provider takes over all responsibility for data protection and security.
  • In reality, the customer is always responsible for securing and managing their data, even in the cloud.
  • The shared responsibility model varies depending on the level of cloud service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) being utilized.

Best Practices for Resilience

  1. The 3-2-1 Rule: Maintain three copies of data, on two different media types, with one copy stored offsite.
  2. Logical Air Gap: Store backups in a dedicated account separate from the production environment, with least-privilege access.
  3. Immutability: Ensure backups are stored in an immutable format to prevent tampering or encryption by ransomware.
  4. Encryption: Encrypt data to protect against exfiltration and leakage of sensitive information.


  1. On-premises to EC2 Migration: Demonstrates how to migrate a virtual machine from an on-premises environment to an EC2 instance, including protecting the migrated workload with VH Backup for AWS.
  2. RDS Recovery: Shows how to recover an RDS database that has been compromised, using a backup stored in an S3 bucket.
  3. Kubernetes Workload Recovery: Showcases how VH Casten can protect a WordPress application running on a Kubernetes cluster, with the ability to quickly restore the application from a backup.

VH Software Capabilities

  • VH software provides comprehensive data protection and resilience across a wide range of platforms, including EC2, VMware, Kubernetes, databases, and more.
  • The platform offers features such as data portability, security components (e.g., zero trust, immutability), and data intelligence (e.g., anomaly detection, malware scanning).


  • The speakers emphasize that this session was not a sales pitch, but rather an opportunity to share best practices that can be implemented regardless of the tools or platforms being used.
  • They encourage the audience to reach out if they have any questions and thank them for attending.

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