Connect end users to data in Amazon S3 through your own applications (STG268)


Key Takeaways

  1. Connecting End Users to Data in S3: Storage Browser for Amazon S3 is an open-source solution that allows customers to connect their end users (customers, partners, employees) to their data stored in Amazon S3 through their own applications.

  2. Federated Access Control: Storage Browser supports multiple authorization modes (IAM Identity Center, Amazon Cognito, custom identity service) to federate access to S3 data based on the end user's identity.

  3. Customizable User Interface: The interface is designed to be highly customizable, allowing web developers to match the look and feel with the rest of their application, as well as add custom actions and logic.

  4. Optimized SDK: Storage Browser includes a new client-side SDK with optimizations for high-throughput data transfer, automatic checksum validation, and reduced bundle size for faster load times.

Use Cases

  • Marketing and Sales Teams: Access the latest sales reports and campaign data to inform marketing strategies.
  • Researchers and Auditors: Enable secure access to clinical trial data for internal and external auditors.
  • Designers and Video Editors: Collaborate on design assets and video files stored in S3 without leaving their tools.
  • Internal IT Admins: Provide a no-code, hosted solution (AWS Transfer Family Web Applications) for users to access S3 data.

Salesforce Data Cloud Use Case

  • Unified File Management: Integrate Storage Browser to provide a single pane of glass for customers to access and organize files from various sources (Salesforce, S3, etc.) within the Salesforce platform.
  • Folder Management and Search: Enable customers to create custom folder structures and search indexes to better manage and leverage their data.
  • Developer Productivity: Leverage Storage Browser to reduce the time spent by Salesforce developers on building file management functionality, allowing them to focus on core business features.

Getting Started

  • The Storage Browser for Amazon S3 is available in the AWS Amplify JavaScript and React client libraries and is free to use.
  • Check the public roadmap on GitHub and provide feedback to help shape the future direction of the feature.
  • Refer to the documentation for guidance on integrating Storage Browser into your applications.

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