Dive deep into Amazon DynamoDB (DAT406)

Building DynamoDB at Scale

Key Takeaways

  • DynamoDB is built to provide predictable low latency at any scale for applications
  • The architecture uses horizontal partitioning and replication to achieve this, with automatic scaling and high availability
  • The presentation covers three key aspects of the DynamoDB architecture:
    1. MemDS - an in-memory partition metadata store for fast lookup
    2. Warm Throughput - a feature to easily scale your table's capacity for spikes in traffic
    3. Strongly Consistent Global Tables - a new feature that provides global read-after-write consistency

MemDS - Partition Metadata Store

  • DynamoDB needs to efficiently locate data partitions for millions of requests per second
  • Using a traditional database for this metadata would not provide the required performance
  • MemDS is an in-memory, distributed database designed to handle this lookup efficiently
  • It uses versioning and eventually consistent updates from the storage nodes to maintain an accurate view of partition locations
  • This allows request routers to quickly determine where to forward requests without introducing unpredictable latency

Warm Throughput

  • Customers want to know how much traffic their DynamoDB tables can handle, especially for predictable spikes
  • The old approach of provisioning capacity was complex and could lead to issues during scaling
  • Warm Throughput allows setting a target throughput for a table or index, which DynamoDB will scale to meet
  • This is independent of provisioned or on-demand billing mode, providing flexibility
  • Warm Throughput can be set in advance of traffic spikes, ensuring the table is ready to handle the load

Strongly Consistent Global Tables

  • Previous global table feature provided asynchronous replication and last-writer-wins conflict resolution
  • New strongly consistent global tables use a multi-region log to guarantee global read-after-write consistency
  • Writes are first recorded in the log, then asynchronously replicated to the table replicas
  • Consistent reads use "heartbeats" to ensure they only return data that is fully replicated
  • This allows use cases requiring strong consistency, like generating global unique sequence numbers

Takeaways for Developers

  • Use hedging (sending duplicate requests) for predictable latency
  • Design systems for constant work load to maintain availability
  • Leverage eventual consistency where possible, but use synchronous caching carefully
  • Maintain long-lived connections to DynamoDB for better performance
  • Use the new Warm Throughput feature to scale for traffic spikes
  • Consider strongly consistent global tables when you require cross-region consistency guarantees

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