Dive deep on AWS cloud governance (COP402)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Account Strategy Evolution

  • Multi-account strategy is a journey, not a one-time setup
  • Refer to the AWS Organizations whitepaper for best practices and recommendations on organizational unit (OU) design
  • Key OUs:
    • Foundational OUs: Security, Infrastructure
    • Sandbox OU for testing new features
    • Workloads OUs: Non-Production, Production
    • Suspended OU for closed accounts
    • Transitional OU for managing acquired accounts
    • Exceptional OUs for exceptions with limited accounts and time
  • Use AWS Control Tower to centralize multi-account setup and controls management
    • Deploys a landing zone with recommended baseline configurations
    • Integrates with AWS services like Organizations, CloudTrail, Config
    • Provides over 500 managed controls
    • Recently integrated with AWS Backup for centralized backup management

Preventive Controls

  • Service Control Policies (SCPs) and Resource Control Policies (RCPs) for preventive controls
  • RCPs allow you to enforce consistent access to resources across accounts and regions
  • RCPs and SCPs can work together to implement identity and resource perimeters
  • Declarative Policies for EC2 allow you to centrally enforce attribute-based controls (e.g., block public access to snapshots)

Proactive Controls

  • Use CloudFormation Hooks and CloudFormation Guard to implement proactive controls
  • CloudFormation Guard is a policy-as-code solution to define rules for compliance
  • Terraform can also leverage Cloud Control API to implement proactive controls

Detective Controls

  • AWS Config tracks resource configuration changes and provides compliance evaluation
  • CloudTrail provides the audit trail for governance, including management, data, and network activity events
  • Enhanced event filtering in CloudTrail Lake allows you to optimize data collection
  • Audit Manager helps you gather evidence and automate auditing processes

Key Takeaways

  1. Define a multi-account strategy and leverage AWS Control Tower
  2. Utilize the controls provided by AWS to support your governance objectives
  3. Automate preventive and proactive controls using infrastructure as code
  4. Leverage detective controls like AWS Config and CloudTrail for visibility and compliance

Additional resources:

  • Cloud Adoption Framework
  • IDC study on AWS Cloud Governance services
  • AWS Cloud Governance principle page
  • Recommended related sessions: COP326 on AWS Config

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