Dive into the depths of routing on AWS (NET318)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in Markdown format, with the key takeaways broken down into sections for better readability:

Fundamentals of Routing on AWS

  • Route: A destination and the path (next hop) to get there
    • Routing Information Base (RIB) vs Forwarding Information Base (FIB)
  • AWS Routing Components:
    • Static routes: Manually configured by the administrator
    • Propagated routes: Automatically propagated based on the existence of a route elsewhere
    • Dynamic routes: Usually using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
  • Route Preference Order: Static > Propagated > Dynamic (except for more specific dynamic routes)

Routing within a Single VPC

  • Comparison of on-premises and AWS networking constructs
  • Subnets and route tables: Allowing granular control over routing within a VPC
  • Ingress routing: Redirecting traffic coming into the VPC through a network function (e.g., firewall)
  • More specific routing: Overriding local route behavior for traffic between subnets

Resilience in Static Routing

  • Targeting highly available resources (e.g., NAT Gateway, Network Firewall, Transit Gateway)
  • Using AWS Gateway Load Balancer for self-hosted solutions

Connecting to On-Premises with Direct Connect and VPN

  • Connecting a VPC to an on-premises data center using Direct Connect and VPN
  • Propagating routes dynamically vs. using static routes
  • Failover and resiliency using BGP with Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)

Connectivity Between Multiple VPCs

  • Using AWS Transit Gateway for VPC-to-VPC connectivity
  • Propagating routes dynamically and creating route tables for Transit Gateway attachments
  • Inserting network functions (e.g., firewalls) between VPCs using Transit Gateway

Multi-Region Connectivity and Inspection

  • Expanding to multiple regions using Transit Gateway peerings
  • Performing inspection between regions using multiple route tables

AWS Cloud WAN for Multi-Region Networking

  • Core Network Edge (CNE): Managed regional routing component
  • Segments: Global routing domains
  • Policies: Defining intent for networking configuration
  • Single-hop vs. dual-hop inspection

Hybrid Connectivity and Load Balancing

  • Redundancy in Direct Connect connections across locations
  • Providing connectivity from on-premises to S3 using public virtual interfaces
  • Connecting on-premises to VPCs using private virtual interfaces
    • Influencing traffic paths using BGP attributes (AS-path prepending, local preference)

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