EC2 Nitro networking under the hood (NET402)

Overview of Nitro and Optimizing EC2 Instance Networking

Key Takeaways

  1. Nitro System: Nitro is an umbrella term that covers AWS's networking, storage, and security capabilities offloaded to dedicated hardware chips, allowing for increased instance density and performance.

  2. Packet Analysis:

    • Packets flow through the application, kernel, drivers, and Nitro hardware.
    • Nitro handles routing, access control, and connection tracking for VPC traffic.
    • Nitro uses hashing on the 5-tuple (source/destination IP, protocol, source/destination ports) to assign packets to queues and processors.
  3. Flow Analysis:

    • Single flows can achieve up to 5 Gbps (default), 10 Gbps (cluster placement group), or 25 Gbps (Ena Express).
    • Micro-bursting can occur when packets arrive faster than they can be processed, leading to queue buildup and drops.
    • Techniques to manage micro-bursting include increasing queue depth, using traffic control, and leveraging Ena Express.
  4. Multi-Flow Analysis:

    • Nitro can handle multiple flows by hashing on the 5-tuple and distributing across queues and CPUs.
    • Burst bandwidth, baseline bandwidth, packets per second, and shared Nitro resources need to be considered for multi-flow workloads.
  5. Tuning and Monitoring:

    • Latency can be optimized by using cluster placement groups, DPDK, and CPU C-state management.
    • Queue management techniques like RSS, RPS, and Ena flow steering can distribute traffic across CPUs.
    • Monitoring tools like CloudWatch metrics (bandwidth, PPS, contract usage) can help identify and troubleshoot issues.

Action Plan

  1. Understand your traffic types: Identify if you have any "whale" flows (e.g., GRE, IPsec tunnels) and TCP/UDP flow entropy.
  2. Build a traffic profile: Determine your packets per second, bits per second, and connections per second requirements.
  3. Select the right instance: Match your traffic profile to the instance's baseline and burst specifications, Nitro performance, and number of network interfaces.
  4. Tune and monitor: Optimize driver settings, use eth tool metrics and CloudWatch for detailed monitoring, and leverage VPC-level metrics.

Additional Resources

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