How Mercado Libre engineers achieve a NoOps experience with Amazon EKS (DOP328)
Implementing NoOps Experience with Platform Engineering
Platform Engineering Overview
Platform engineering is a set of practices that identify and build abstractions for developers to increase cost-effectiveness and efficiency in using infrastructure.
Key benefits of platform engineering include:
Increased velocity and reduced time-to-market
Enhanced governance, security, and compliance
Improved efficiency and cost savings
Challenges and Best Practices
Challenges include:
Defining platform ownership and responsibilities
Determining the appropriate level of abstraction
Driving platform adoption and providing developer support
Best practices:
Build with your customers (developers) in mind
Start small and iterate
Accommodate different workload requirements
Provide escape hatches and documentation/education
Mercado Libre's Platform Journey
Mercado Libre is a leading e-commerce and fintech company in Latin America with:
60 million unique buyers
400 million items sold
16,000 IT employees
35,000 microservices
23,000 deployments per day
Fury: Mercado Libre's internal developer platform
Provides over 30 self-service Fury services
Abstracts away cloud and Kubernetes complexity
Enables a NoOps experience for developers
Fury's Kubernetes-based Architecture
Developers interact with Fury, which then manages the underlying Kubernetes clusters
Fury's "Computer API" abstracts Kubernetes from developers
Allows for easy upgrades and migration to new container orchestrators
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