How to optimize costs with AWS WAF (CDN201)

Protecting Your Applications and APIs with AWS WAF: Cost-Efficient Practices


  • The session covers best practices to protect applications and APIs against various threats in a cost-efficient manner using AWS WAF.
  • The presenters are Igor Kush, a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, and Devan Agal.

Key Takeaways

  1. Overview of AWS WAF

    • AWS WAF is a cloud-native firewall that provides a flexible rule engine to configure custom and managed rules.
    • It offers advanced protections, observability, and access logging capabilities.
    • The main building blocks of AWS WAF are Web ACLs, Rule Groups, and Rules.
  2. Building Protections Against Common Threats

    • Start with free AWS-managed rules and high-confidence rules based on your threat intelligence.
    • Use a combination of baseline rule groups, use-case specific rule groups, and at least one rate-based rule.
    • Understand the concept of AWS WAF capacity units (WCU) and stay under the 1,500 WCU threshold to avoid additional charges.
  3. Advanced Protections and Cost Optimization

    • Leverage AWS WAF's intelligence threat mitigation capabilities to address sophisticated threats, such as bots and account fraud.
    • Understand the pricing model for advanced protections, including monthly fees and per-request fees.
    • Prioritize the rule order to ensure high-confidence and free rules are processed first before the premium rules.
    • Scope down the premium rule groups to specific paths or use cases to optimize costs.
  4. Other Cost-Saving Measures

    • Use log filtering and field reduction to reduce the volume of logs.
    • Consider using AWS Security Hub or AWS Firewall Manager for multi-account setups.
    • Implement the AWS WAF SDK to optimize the number of requests for intelligent threat detection rules.
  5. Demonstration

    • The presenters walk through a practical example of configuring AWS WAF rules with appropriate prioritization and scoping to achieve cost-efficient protection.
  6. Additional Resources

    • Refer to the provided references for more information on AWS WAF pricing and cost-effective security practices.

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