Introduction to AWS storage: Building a data foundation in the cloud (STG101)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Introduction to AWS Storage

  • The presenters (Rajesh, Rohan, and Boris) provide a high-level overview of the AWS storage portfolio and explain why data is important.
  • They emphasize that the presentation is an introduction and encourage attendees to attend other sessions during the week that dive deeper into various AWS storage services.
  • The presenters mention that the goal is to discuss how customers think about implementing cloud solutions, using common starting workloads as examples.

Customers' Cloud Journey

  • Customers typically start their cloud journey by migrating their applications to AWS, often through a lift-and-shift approach.
  • After the initial migration, customers continue to optimize their applications by leveraging additional services and innovations to modernize and improve them.
  • Customers also focus on optimizing costs by right-sizing their deployments, using managed services, and leveraging cost optimization within each service.

Enterprise Applications on AWS

  • Customers are moving their business-critical applications, such as databases, ERP solutions, and content management systems, to the AWS cloud.
  • Common patterns include:
    • Lift-and-shift migration to the cloud
    • Refactoring and modernizing applications
    • Leveraging AWS services like Amazon EBS, Amazon EC2, and Amazon FSX for optimal performance and cost-effectiveness

Structured Workloads on AWS

  • Database workloads:
    • Customers can choose from various deployment options, such as Amazon RDS, standalone EC2 instances, or failover clusters with FSX.
    • The choice depends on the application's criticality, availability requirements, and TCO.
  • VMware workloads:
    • Customers can migrate their on-premises VMware workloads to AWS, leveraging services like Amazon EC2, Amazon VPC, and Amazon EBS/FSX.
    • This allows them to preserve their existing operational model and accelerate their migration to the cloud.

Data Lakes on Amazon S3

  • Customers are looking to eliminate data silos and centralize their data by building data lakes on Amazon S3.
    • S3 offers scalability, security, and integration with various AWS analytics and AI/ML services.
  • Sweetgreen, a fast-casual restaurant chain, built a data lake on S3 to centralize data from multiple sources and comply with data privacy regulations.
  • S3 storage classes allow customers to optimize costs based on their data access patterns, using features like S3 Intelligent Tiering.

Storage for AI and ML

  • The presentation covers the AI and ML pipeline, which includes data centralization, data curation, model building and training, and model deployment.
  • AWS offers services like Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Bedrock to support this pipeline.
  • To optimize data access for GPU-intensive training, the presenters highlight the integration between Amazon S3 and Amazon FSX for Lustre.
  • Adobe used this architecture to train their own Firefly family of generative AI models, benefiting from the high-performance data access.

Data Protection on AWS

  • The presenters define data protection as the process of safeguarding important data from corruption, compromise, and loss, and providing the capability to restore the data.
  • Customers can leverage AWS Backup, a fully managed data protection service, to centrally deploy and manage backup policies across various AWS services.
  • The presenters share a customer case study with Santos Limited, an oil and gas company, that used AWS Backup to improve the accuracy, visibility, and cost-efficiency of their data protection.


  • The presenters encourage attendees to provide feedback through the session survey and continue their learning journey by exploring the AWS Skill Builder website and ramp-up guides.
  • They thank the audience for their time and availability during the lunch break and invite them to ask any remaining questions.

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