Managing Amazon EC2 capacity and availability (CMP319)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format:

On-Demand Capacity and Flexibility


  • Dave Ward, who leads capacity for EC2, and Brian Felipe, the product manager for on-demand capacity reservations, discuss various capacity models and how to improve capacity availability and cost efficiency.
  • The key models covered are:
    1. On-Demand
    2. On-Demand Capacity Reservations
    3. Capacity Blocks
    4. EC2 Spot


  • On-Demand provides flexibility to spin up and down capacity as needed.
  • AWS focuses on capacity planning, optimization, and utilization to provide the illusion of infinite capacity.
  • However, On-Demand is built on a shared capacity pool, so customers need to have flexibility to increase capacity availability.
  • Flexibility can be achieved through instance family, size, generation, and chip architecture.
  • EC2 Fleet and Auto Scaling can help build in flexibility.

On-Demand Capacity Reservations

  • Provides the highest capacity assurance among EC2 offerings.
  • Customers pay for the reserved capacity 24/7, even if unused.
  • Combines well with Savings Plans for flexibility and cost optimization.
  • Recent improvements:
    • Ability to split, move, and modify reservations
    • Billing ownership assignment
    • Centralized capacity management
    • Future-dated reservations up to 120 days in advance

Capacity Blocks

  • Provides access to machine learning compute capacity on a time-bound basis.
  • Allows experimenting and testing without overpaying for idle capacity.
  • Recent improvements:
    • Ability to extend and increase duration of blocks
    • Expansion to new regions
    • Faster provisioning (within minutes)
  • Integrates with SageMaker to simplify training workload management.

EC2 Spot

  • Allows accessing EC2 spare capacity at up to 90% discount.
  • Best suited for asynchronous, interruptible, and time-shiftable workloads.
  • Architectural patterns like checkpointing, interruption behaviors, and Fault Injection Service can help leverage Spot.
  • Spot Placement Scores, EC2 Fleet, and Attribute-Based Instance Selection can improve Spot utilization.

Key Takeaways

  1. Utilize the various capacity models to balance availability and cost.
  2. Leverage flexibility through instance family, size, generation, and chip architecture.
  3. Automate capacity management with EC2 Fleet and Auto Scaling.
  4. Explore innovations in On-Demand Capacity Reservations, Capacity Blocks, and EC2 Spot.

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