Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in markdown format:
On-Demand Capacity and Flexibility
- Dave Ward, who leads capacity for EC2, and Brian Felipe, the product manager for on-demand capacity reservations, discuss various capacity models and how to improve capacity availability and cost efficiency.
- The key models covered are:
- On-Demand
- On-Demand Capacity Reservations
- Capacity Blocks
- EC2 Spot
- On-Demand provides flexibility to spin up and down capacity as needed.
- AWS focuses on capacity planning, optimization, and utilization to provide the illusion of infinite capacity.
- However, On-Demand is built on a shared capacity pool, so customers need to have flexibility to increase capacity availability.
- Flexibility can be achieved through instance family, size, generation, and chip architecture.
- EC2 Fleet and Auto Scaling can help build in flexibility.
On-Demand Capacity Reservations
- Provides the highest capacity assurance among EC2 offerings.
- Customers pay for the reserved capacity 24/7, even if unused.
- Combines well with Savings Plans for flexibility and cost optimization.
- Recent improvements:
- Ability to split, move, and modify reservations
- Billing ownership assignment
- Centralized capacity management
- Future-dated reservations up to 120 days in advance
Capacity Blocks
- Provides access to machine learning compute capacity on a time-bound basis.
- Allows experimenting and testing without overpaying for idle capacity.
- Recent improvements:
- Ability to extend and increase duration of blocks
- Expansion to new regions
- Faster provisioning (within minutes)
- Integrates with SageMaker to simplify training workload management.
EC2 Spot
- Allows accessing EC2 spare capacity at up to 90% discount.
- Best suited for asynchronous, interruptible, and time-shiftable workloads.
- Architectural patterns like checkpointing, interruption behaviors, and Fault Injection Service can help leverage Spot.
- Spot Placement Scores, EC2 Fleet, and Attribute-Based Instance Selection can improve Spot utilization.
Key Takeaways
- Utilize the various capacity models to balance availability and cost.
- Leverage flexibility through instance family, size, generation, and chip architecture.
- Automate capacity management with EC2 Fleet and Auto Scaling.
- Explore innovations in On-Demand Capacity Reservations, Capacity Blocks, and EC2 Spot.