Managing infrastructure via APIs with AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (OPN202)
Summary of the Video Transcription
Overview of AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)
ACK is an open-source project that allows you to manage the full lifecycle of your AWS cloud resources using Kubernetes APIs.
ACK uses the Kubernetes controller pattern, where controllers continuously watch the live state and desired state of resources, and reconcile any divergence.
ACK currently has 50 generally available controllers for various AWS managed services.
Why ACK?
Customers are trying to deliver stable software faster to drive business value.
Customers are creating productivity workflows that support this primary objective, and ACK helps with this "how" aspect.
Kubernetes is often the foundation for these internal platforms, due to its declarative model, continuous reconciliation, and extensibility.
Unifying Application and Infrastructure Management
Typically, application developers use Kubernetes resources like Deployments, Ingress, Services, etc. as building blocks.
Platform teams abstract these low-level Primitives into custom resources for easier use by application developers.
However, there is often a fragmented workflow for creating application resources and cloud infrastructure resources.
ACK helps unify this process, allowing you to use a single Kubernetes-based workflow for both application and infrastructure resources.
Benefits of using ACK with GitOps
Unifies the application and cloud resource management workflows.
Enables better automation and orchestration through the declarative and self-healing model.
Provides unified observability of the entire application stack.
The demo showcases how ACK can be used to manage both application resources and a DocumentDB database through a GitOps workflow using Argo CD.
It demonstrates the ability to view the desired state and live state of the resources, and the self-healing capabilities of the ACK controllers.
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