Meeting customers where they are with a global SaaS analytics platform (MAM328)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in Markdown format, broken down into sections for better readability:

Who is SAS?

  • SAS is a data company that takes in data from various sources, applies analytics and AI, and produces meaningful results.
  • SAS has a responsibility to ensure the security, accuracy, and proper use of the data it handles, especially in key industries like government, finance, insurance, and life sciences.
  • SAS is a $3 billion company, with about half of its revenue coming from its SAS managed cloud services.

The Business Challenge

  • SAS had a legacy architecture for its cloud hosting business, which was not optimized for the cloud.
  • Customers were increasingly requesting SAS services on AWS, as their data had "gravity" in AWS.
  • SAS needed to simplify the delivery and operations of its services on AWS, while addressing security, compliance, and speed-to-market requirements.

The Deloitte-SAS Partnership

  • Deloitte has a long-standing global alliance with SAS, with expertise in various industries.
  • Deloitte's goal was to understand SAS's business requirements and drive the architectural requirements to address them.
  • Deloitte utilized its Open Cloud Management Platform as a starting point, which hosts around 175 clients across multiple geographies.

The Architecture

  • The architecture follows a hub-and-spoke model, with the hub providing centralized observability, privilege access management, and data residency controls.
  • The spokes are dedicated accounts for each client, with isolated VPCs, allowing for independent operation and faster deployment.
  • The network architecture uses a global VPN approach to enable spoke isolation and rapid failover.
  • Security controls are implemented using AWS Security Hub, leveraging the NIST 853 framework.

AWS Marketplace and Use Cases

  • The SAS offering is available on the AWS Marketplace, providing customers with simplified procurement, billing, and deployment.
  • Use cases include customers needing to exit a data center, migrate legacy software to the cloud, and leverage the scalability and data security of the SAS cloud-native architecture.

Key Takeaways

  • The partnership between Deloitte and SAS demonstrates the importance of investing in well-architected foundations and operational rigor to enable scalable and flexible cloud-native services.
  • Flexibility and understanding of changing requirements are crucial when building complex cloud platforms.
  • Deloitte's alliance approach, accelerators, and expertise in guiding customers through modernization journeys are key differentiators.

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