Netflix’s efficient network configuration for millions of containers (NFX306)

Scaling Container Networking at Netflix

Containers at Netflix

  • Netflix used to run everything on EC2 without containers, but eventually migrated to containers.
  • Key reasons for using containers:
    1. Portability and consistency - Ensures application runs consistently across development, testing, and production environments.
    2. Faster deployment - Containers can be deployed quickly, which is useful for CI/CD pipelines.
    3. Cost and efficiency - Allows better utilization of resources like CPUs, GPUs, and memory.

Networking Challenges with Containers

  • Providing IP addresses to hundreds of containers on a single node.
  • Ensuring containers can access services and be accessed securely and efficiently at Netflix scale.

Netflix's Container Management System - Titus

  • Titus is Netflix's multi-tenant container orchestration system with tight AWS integration.
  • Titus acts as a "magic box" that can deploy applications as containers on EC2 instances, improving resource utilization.

Container Networking Requirements

  1. Developer Experience: Containers should run like EC2 VMs, with each container having a single IP address, just like EC2 instances.
  2. Isolation:
    • Data plane isolation - Containers should be isolated from each other's network traffic.
    • Account-level isolation - Some teams require their applications to run in separate accounts.
  3. Low Latency: The network setup time for containers, including for short-lived containers and bursts, should be minimal.

Container Networking Design

  1. Secondary ENIs: Attaching multiple secondary ENIs to an EC2 instance and allocating IPs to containers.
    • Limitations: Account isolation and ENI limit per instance.
  2. ENI Trunking:
    • Using a single secondary "trunk" ENI and associating branch ENIs in different VPCs/accounts.
    • Uses VLAN tagging and IPVLAN to route traffic to containers.
  3. Bandwidth Limiting and Traffic Shaping:
    • Using Linux traffic control (TC) with Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) algorithm to limit bandwidth and isolate noisy containers.
    • Classifying traffic based on container IP addresses using BPF.

Reducing Network Setup Latency

  1. Pre-Assigning and Caching IPs: Reducing API calls to assign IPs by pre-assigning and caching multiple IPs.
  2. Request Batching: Batching IP assignment requests to reduce the number of API calls.
  3. Prefix Delegation:
    • Requesting a IPv6 prefix delegation from AWS, allowing containers to use 2^48 addresses without additional API calls.
    • Enables "High-Skill Network Mode" where containers share a common subnet and security groups.

IPv6 Adoption and Transition

  • Netflix is committed to migrating to IPv6 to leverage the benefits of prefix delegation.
  • Developed an in-house solution called TSA (Titus Set Comp Agent) to transparently handle communication between IPv6-only containers and IPv4-only endpoints.

Itman: Netflix's IP Management System

  • Itman (IP Management) is the system that manages container networking at Netflix.
  • It consists of a distributed service cluster that handles IP address assignment and network setup for containers.
  • Leverages techniques like request batching and prefix delegation to optimize network setup latency and API costs.

Ongoing Improvements

  • Continued IPv6 migration to benefit from prefix delegation.
  • Exploring more performant traffic shaping mechanisms to address global lock issues in HTB.
  • Investigating ways to reduce the extra TCP stack traversal overhead in the current IPVLAN-based data plane.

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