Netflix's massive multi-account journey: Year two (NFX402)

Reimagining Multi-Account Deployments for Security and Speed


  • Pratik Sharma, Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, has worked closely with the security folks at Netflix for the last 5 years.
  • In 2022 reinvent, they started a conversation on reimagining multi-AWS account deployments with security and speed in mind.
  • Over the last couple of years, they worked together with Netflix and collaborated on an idea, which they will discuss in this talk.

The Problem

  • Historically, the top triangle (AWS accounts, IAM roles, and compute resources) has been tightly coupled for valid reasons.
  • Netflix tried to migrate their workloads from a few large accounts into smaller ones, but moving compute resources along with all the roles and everything else that those resources touch is a challenging task.

The Solution

  • Netflix came up with a new idea to decouple IAM roles from AWS accounts containing compute resources while taking advantage of the strong isolation boundaries that AWS accounts offer.
  • This has become the cornerstone of Netflix's massive multi-account, multi-AWS account journey.

Key Capabilities

  1. Account-Agnostic Credential Delivery:

    • Enabling AWS IAM to trust an internal token issuer or certificate issuer.
    • Leveraging this to deliver arbitrary IAM role credentials to workloads.
    • Implementing a lightweight OIDC provider and an IMDS proxy.
  2. Reasoning about Migration Targets:

    • Estimating migration complexity, security risk, and operational risk for each application.
    • Leveraging application metadata to assess the risk and complexity.
  3. Technical Capabilities for Migration:

    • Implementing a CD hook for the migration process.
    • Deploying a robust account vending solution.
    • Providing an on/off switch for the new credential delivery mechanism.

Risk and Access Efficiency

  • Access Exposure: The number of allowed paths between application roles and resources.
  • Access Efficiency: The ratio of intended and actual access.
  • By migrating applications to dedicated accounts, they can eliminate unnecessary access paths and improve access efficiency.
  • The risk reduction benefit can be realized even before all applications are migrated, as the remaining apps in the multi-tenant account no longer have cross-access to each other's resources.

IAM Patterns

  • Leveraging Service Control Policies (SCPs), Resource Control Policies (RCPs), and Permissions Boundaries to increase developer freedom and velocity in the dedicated accounts.
  • Adopting Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) to simplify the control of resource access and support Infrastructure as Code.

Migration Planning and Execution

  • Categorizing applications based on their AWS service usage and migration complexity.
  • Gathering data about services accessed and resources used by each application.
  • Developing a Cloud Application Migration Platform (CAMP) to orchestrate the migration process.
  • Implementing validation checks to ensure the safety of the migration process.

Lessons Learned and Key Numbers

  • Designing for minimal app owner interaction has been beneficial.
  • Organizational buy-in and commitment are crucial for such a project.
  • It's a lot of work, and getting into the migration feedback loop as soon as possible is important.
  • Netflix has migrated 4,005 applications, including over 1,100 IAM roles, with the largest batch being 277 applications.

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