Private API integration for Amazon EventBridge and AWS Step Functions-API313-NEW
The presenters introduced themselves - Justin, the Director of App Integration, and his team who built the new features for Amazon EventBridge and AWS Step Functions.
They discussed the importance of application modernization and the role of integration in helping customers achieve this.
Amazon EventBridge Overview
EventBridge is a cloud-based event router that allows building event-driven architectures.
Key features of EventBridge include:
Event Bus: Supports many-to-many communication patterns, with events from AWS services, applications, and SaaS partners.
EventBridge Pipes: Simplifies point-to-point integration by polling event sources, filtering, and delivering to downstream targets.
Scheduler: Allows creating and emitting events on a schedule.
AWS Step Functions Overview
Step Functions is a serverless workflow service that allows defining and executing workflows visually.
Key features include:
Workflow Studio: Visual designer to build and test workflows.
Service Integrations: Integrates with over 220 AWS services and 14,000 API actions.
AWS Culture and Decision-Making
The presenters discussed Amazon's leadership principles, particularly "Think Big" and "Bias for Action", and how they guide decision-making.
They introduced the concept of "tenets" - principles the team aligned on to guide the design of the new features.
Simplicity: Minimize additional complexity for customers.
Secure by Design: Provide the necessary security and reliability controls.
Private API Integration
The team identified challenges customers faced when integrating EventBridge and Step Functions with private APIs.
The new private API integration feature addresses these challenges by:
Allowing direct integration with private APIs in VPCs or on-premises environments.
Leveraging VPC Resource Access and AWS Resource Access Manager to securely share individual resources.
Providing a simple, consistent user experience for both resource providers and consumers.
Security and Reliability Considerations
For security, the feature supports various authentication mechanisms, restricts access to specific ports/protocols, and provides visibility through CloudTrail and CloudWatch logs.
For reliability, it offers features like rate limiting, retries, dead-letter queues, and integration with Step Functions' built-in resiliency capabilities.
Pricing and Availability
Pricing for the private API integration is consistent with existing EventBridge and Step Functions pricing.
No additional charges for authorization credentials or Secrets Manager usage.
The presenters highlighted how the new private API integration feature simplifies application modernization and integration, while maintaining strong security and reliability guarantees.
They encouraged the audience to explore the additional resources provided to learn more about the capabilities.
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