Protect critical data with ease using Amazon EBS snapshots (STG205)

Here is a detailed summary of the video transcription in Markdown format, broken down into sections:


  • The session focuses on protecting critical data using Amazon EBS snapshots.
  • The presenters are Siri (EBS Product Manager), JP (Head of Business Continuity Architecture at SAP), and Denton (EBS Product Manager).

AWS Storage Portfolio Overview

  • AWS offers a range of storage solutions, including:
    • Object storage: Amazon S3
    • Block storage: Amazon EBS
    • File storage: Amazon EFS and Amazon FSX
  • These services integrate seamlessly and help customers build secure and reliable data estates.

Understanding EBS Snapshots

  • EBS snapshots are point-in-time copies of EBS volumes.
  • Snapshots are incremental, meaning only the changed data is stored.
  • Key use cases for snapshots include:
    1. Backup and disaster recovery
    2. Refresh, scale-up, and data handoff workflows
    3. Backup of on-premises data for migration to the cloud
    4. Integrations with third-party automation and orchestration solutions

EBS Snapshot Basics

  • Snapshots contain all the data required to restore a volume to the state when the snapshot was taken.
  • Subsequent snapshots only store the incremental changes, reducing storage costs.

Security Aspects of EBS Snapshots


  • EBS offers encryption integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
  • Encrypted volumes and snapshots can be copied and re-encrypted with different keys.
  • Encryption by Default can be enabled at the account level to enforce encryption for all future EBS resources.

Snapshot Sharing

  • Snapshots are private by default, but can be shared with other AWS accounts.
  • Block Public Access can be enabled to prevent public sharing of snapshots.

Snapshot Lock

  • Snapshot Lock provides immutability and write-once-read-many (WORM) protection.
  • Snapshots can be locked in Governance mode (editable) or Compliance mode (non-editable).
  • Locked snapshots cannot be deleted or modified during the specified retention period.

Immutability and Ransomware Protection for SAP RISE

  • JP discusses how SAP RISE leverages EBS snapshots and Snapshot Lock for immutability and ransomware protection.
  • SAP RISE uses a combination of EBS snapshots, Lambda functions for lifecycle management, and Snapshot Lock to achieve:
    • Faster backup and restore times
    • Resilience through regional snapshot storage
    • No performance impact on applications
    • Flexible lifecycle management
    • Cost-effective backups
    • Encryption using KMS keys
    • Immutability and ransomware protection

Data Protection with Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM)

  • DLM is a policy-based lifecycle management solution for EBS snapshots.
    • Customers can create policies to automate snapshot creation, retention, and archiving.
  • DLM supports application-consistent snapshots by integrating with AWS Systems Manager.
  • Default Policies in DLM can automatically protect all EBS volumes in an account, reducing the risk of unprotected data.

Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots and AMIs

  • Recycle Bin helps protect against accidental or malicious deletion of snapshots and AMIs.
  • Customers can create retention rules to specify which resources should be placed in Recycle Bin when deleted.
  • Rule Lock feature prevents modification of retention rules, even by malicious actors.
  • Exclusion tags can be used to bypass Recycle Bin for non-essential resources.


  • The presenters encourage attendees to try out the recent features, such as time-based snapshot copy and Recycle Bin with exclusion tags.
  • A hands-on builder session on EBS-related features is coming up next.

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