Scoring AI: A practical approach to validating generated content (TNC121)

Leveraging Generative AI: Ensuring Trust and Validation in Content Creation

Challenges of Rapid Innovation

  • AWS has seen tremendous growth, with over 4,200 services and features released since 2011.
  • The training and certification team at AWS has over 600 different digital and learning experiences and 1,000+ builder labs, making it challenging to keep up with the pace of change.
  • The vast amount of information available on the internet (45 billion publicly indexed web pages) makes it difficult to navigate and find relevant content.

The Role of Generative AI

  • Generative AI can be a powerful asset, but it's not a magical solution for everything.
  • Generative AI can produce non-deterministic results, meaning the same prompt can yield slightly different answers.
  • Using generative AI doesn't guarantee success, and it's essential to validate and trust the content produced.

Importance of Scoring and Validation

  • The quote "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it" highlights the importance of having a repeatable process to measure and validate the content.
  • Inaccurate information can have downstream effects, especially in mission-critical systems or heavily regulated industries.
  • Scoring introduces discipline and a repeatable process, helping to deal with the non-deterministic nature of generative AI.
  • Defining quality and aligning on expectations is crucial when using generative AI with a team.

AWS Training and Certification's Journey with Generative AI

  1. Defining Quality: The team established the "Four C's" criteria - correct, compliant, complete, and consistent - to assess content quality.
  2. Integrating Scoring: A scoring system was developed, using a scale of 1 to 5 to evaluate the usability of the content.
  3. Automating and Scaling: The "Geni Workbench" was created, allowing content creators to access prompts, adapt them, and get content scored.
  4. Feedback Loops: Mechanisms were implemented to capture user feedback and continuously improve the scoring service.

Key Lessons and Recommendations

  • Embrace experimentation and a distributed approach to prompt engineering.
  • Use scoring to drive meaningful discussions and align on quality expectations.
  • Beware of magical thinking around generative AI - progress takes time, so celebrate small wins.

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