Serverless scaling with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database (DAT338)

Aurora Postgres Limitless Database


  • The video discusses the challenges of scaling databases beyond the limits of a single database instance, and how Amazon Aurora's Postgres Limitless Database solution addresses these challenges.
  • The key takeaways are:

Challenges of Scaling Databases

  • As usage increases, businesses start hitting the limits of what a single database can offer.
  • The common approach is to break the database into smaller components (sharding), which introduces management complexities such as:
    • Determining which database to query from the application layer
    • Ensuring data consistency across multiple databases
    • Continuously redistributing data as nodes fail or become overloaded
    • Overprovisioning resources to handle capacity management

Aurora Postgres Limitless Database

  • Aurora Postgres Limitless Database is a managed, horizontally scalable solution that provides the power of a sharded solution with the simplicity of a single database cluster.
  • Key features:
    • Scales to millions of write transactions per second and petabytes of data
    • Automatically scales vertically and horizontally based on workload
    • Charges only for the resources used, eliminating the need for overprovisioning
    • Provides 99.99% availability through automatic failover and redundancy

Deployment and Architecture

  • The deployment process is simple, with a few clicks in the AWS console to set the desired capacity range and compute redundancy.
  • Under the hood, the system consists of:
    • Distributed transaction routers that handle query parsing, planning, and transaction coordination
    • Sharded data access nodes that store and manage the data, scaling independently based on load
    • Failover nodes for compute redundancy, ensuring high availability

Performance and Scalability

  • The system demonstrated the ability to achieve 2.55 million commits per second with an average latency of 2.4 milliseconds on a 100 billion row table.
  • This level of performance and scalability is made possible by the distributed architecture and the ability to co-locate related data on the same shards for efficient query processing.

Call to Action

  • The Aurora Postgres Limitless Database is generally available, and users are encouraged to explore the service through the AWS console and documentation.
  • Related sessions are available, and users are advised to provide feedback through the survey.

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