Silicon powers the world: Learn how to scale your EDA workloads (CMP325)

Summarized Transcript

Evolving Challenges and Opportunities in the EDA Industry

Increasing Design Complexity

  • Sophisticated and powerful chip designs are driving an increase in complexity
  • Advanced EDA infrastructure with the right compute and storage solutions can help drive these sophisticated designs

Time-to-Market Pressures

  • In a highly competitive landscape, a cutting-edge EDA infrastructure can become a competitive edge by streamlining silicon design, verification, and simulation to accelerate time-to-market

Global Teams and Enhanced Security

  • Global talent is a huge opportunity, but requires an EDA infrastructure that can provide seamless collaboration in a secure way

Adapting to the Latest Technologies

  • The rapid pace of innovation in the semiconductor industry can be an opportunity to accelerate your own innovation by adapting the latest hardware and software technologies

Cost Optimization

  • Strategically managing your infrastructure to align with your business needs can help maintain a competitive edge while delivering powerful and innovative solutions

How Leading Semiconductor Companies are Leveraging AWS

Power of Scalability and Elasticity

  • Static on-premises data centers cannot keep up with fluctuating demand, but AWS allows semiconductor companies to scale up and down as needed without guessing capacity

Global Presence and Enhanced Security

  • AWS provides a robust, secure, and global infrastructure that allows semiconductor companies to connect global teams and access diverse talent pools

Access to the Latest Technologies

  • Accessing the latest hardware and software innovations through AWS can optimize EDA license costs and ensure the right compute solution for each workload

Aster Labs' Silicon Innovation Journey on AWS

Aster Labs' Background

  • 7-year-old company with over 400 employees, $400M+ quarterly run rate, and multiple product lines
  • Executed 12+ tape-outs in the last 5.5 years, all 100% on AWS

Key Pillars of Success

  1. Execution Excellence
  2. Close Partnerships (Synopsis, TSMC, AWS)
  3. 100% Cloud-based EDA Infrastructure

Scaling EDA Workloads on AWS

  • Utilized a wide range of EC2 instances (Intel, AMD, Graviton) to optimize for performance, memory, and cost
  • Leveraged spot instances and save/restore capabilities to manage costs
  • Ran frontend design, backend implementation, and DRC analysis entirely on AWS

Benefits of Cloud-based EDA

  • Accelerated time-to-market and improved design quality by enabling 10x more simulations
  • Seamless scalability and elasticity to handle dynamic workload changes
  • Optimized costs through judicious use of on-demand and spot instances
  • Tight integration with EDA partners (Synopsis) to enable cloud-native workflows


  • Cloud-powered EDA will continue to accelerate, and AWS is committed to being at the forefront of this revolution
  • AWS will continue investing in the latest hardware and software solutions, collaborating with the EDA community, and providing a robust, secure, and global infrastructure

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