Simplify file sharing with AWS Transfer Family no-code web apps (STG217-NEW)

AWS Transfer Family Web Apps: Simplifying File Sharing


  • AWS Transfer Family launched 6 years ago, offering bidirectional file transfer capabilities to/from AWS storage locations and business partners.
  • Over the years, AWS has added several low-code capabilities to make it easier to move workloads to the cloud, such as SFTP connectors and additional protocol options.
  • However, AWS has heard from customers about the challenge of sharing data with non-technical users or partners who are unfamiliar with AWS.
  • To address this, AWS recently launched AWS Transfer Family Web Apps, a fully managed file transfer interface for Amazon S3.

Key Benefits of AWS Transfer Family Web Apps

  • Easy Setup: Streamlined process to get a production-ready web app up and running quickly.
  • Customization: Built-in customization options to align the web app with your company brand.
  • User-Friendly: Browser-based experience designed with non-technical users in mind.
  • Compliance: Inherits the same compliance as the broader Transfer Family service.

Web App Features

  • User Federation: Federate users using existing identity providers.
  • Granular Access Control: Configure user-specific access to data through S3 Access Grants.
  • Customization Options: Customize URL, company logo, page title, and favicon.
  • Automated Logic: Offers high-throughput data transfers and built-in integrity checks.
  • Managed and Highly Available: Scales to meet your needs, pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Integrated with AWS Ecosystem: Can further automate downstream actions.

Use Cases for Web Apps

  1. Employee Portal: Provide a central hub for your workforce to access, upload, and download organizational data.
  2. Partner Sharing: Manage a portal for your external partners to access and interact with data.
  3. Builder Use Case: Visualize and interact with S3 Access Grants through a managed interface.

How Web Apps Work

  1. User Authentication: Driven through AWS IAM Identity Center, enabling MFA and SSO.
  2. User Access Control: Configured through S3 Access Grants, providing granular permissions.
  3. Web App Creation: A fully managed AWS application that integrates with Identity Center and S3 Access Grants.


The presentation includes a detailed demo by Tying, showcasing the end-to-end process of setting up a web app, including:

  • Configuring Identity Center
  • Creating S3 Access Grants
  • Provisioning the web app with customization options
  • Assigning users and groups
  • Demonstrating end-user functionality like uploading, downloading, and searching files

Integration with AWS Ecosystem

  • Web apps can leverage S3 events to trigger downstream actions, such as data processing workflows.
  • CloudTrail integration provides detailed auditing of user actions, including the specific user identity.


  • AWS Transfer Family Web Apps provide a turnkey solution to simplify file sharing, catering to both technical and non-technical users.
  • Key benefits include easy setup, customization, user-friendly interface, and compliance with industry standards.
  • Web apps can address various use cases, from employee portals to partner sharing and builder scenarios.
  • The solution is fully managed, highly available, and integrated with the broader AWS ecosystem.


  1. AWS Transfer Family Web Apps Launch Blog
  2. AWS Transfer Family Product Page
  3. Self-Paced Workshop
  4. Related Sessions:
    • STG 304: Amazon S3 Security and Access Control Best Practices (tomorrow)
    • SEC 315: Connecting Your Workforce Identity for Gen AI and Analytics (recording available)

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