Streamline web application deployment on AWS Lambda (SVS214)

Streamline Web Application Deployment on AWS Lambda


  • Web applications are a popular way to build applications, with the front-end built using frameworks like Next.js or Remix, and the backend APIs built using frameworks like Express, Flask, or FastAPI.
  • Deploying these web applications on AWS Lambda can be challenging due to the different programming model and requirements.
  • The speaker introduces a tool called "Lambda Web Adapter" that can help streamline the deployment of web applications on Lambda.

Why Deploy Web Applications on AWS Lambda?

  • Lambda provides several benefits, such as automatic scaling, no need to manage infrastructure, and no need to patch operating systems.
  • However, Lambda has a specific programming model that is event-driven, which can make it challenging to deploy traditional web applications.
  • By using the Lambda Web Adapter, developers can leverage their existing skills and frameworks while also enjoying the benefits of Lambda.

How Does Lambda Web Adapter Work?

  • Lambda Web Adapter is a Rust-based runtime extension for AWS Lambda that sits between the Lambda runtime API and your web application.
  • It translates the JSON payload received from the Lambda service into an HTTP request that can be handled by your web application.
  • The web application can then handle the request and return an HTTP response, which the Web Adapter will then translate back into a JSON payload for the Lambda runtime API.

Lambda Execution Lifecycle

  • The Lambda execution lifecycle consists of three phases: initialization, invocation, and shutdown.
  • During the initialization phase, the Web Adapter is started and registered with the Lambda runtime API. It then starts your web application and waits for it to be ready to receive requests.
  • Once the web application is ready, the Web Adapter notifies the Lambda runtime API that the initialization is complete, and the function can start processing requests.

Packaging and Deploying Web Applications with Lambda Web Adapter

  • The speaker demonstrates two ways to package and deploy web applications with the Lambda Web Adapter:
    1. Using a Docker image: The Docker file includes a step to copy the Lambda Web Adapter binary into the image, and the web application can then be deployed as a Lambda function using the Docker image.
    2. Using a ZIP package: The Lambda Web Adapter is provided as a Layer, and the web application is packaged as a ZIP file. An additional script is used to start the web application process.

Demo: Deploying a Next.js Application on AWS Lambda

  • The speaker demonstrates the deployment of a Next.js application on AWS Lambda using the Lambda Web Adapter.
  • The Next.js application is packaged into a Docker image, which includes the Lambda Web Adapter.
  • The Docker image is then deployed as a Lambda function, and a Lambda Function URL is created to expose the application.
  • The speaker also shows how to use CloudFront to provide a custom domain name for the application.

Conclusion and Resources

  • The speaker provides some additional resources, including the GitHub repository for the Lambda Web Adapter and a blog post that covers the same architecture in more detail.

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