Strengthening the safety net: Transforming 211 with Amazon Connect (IMP207)
Reinvent Lightning Session: Transforming 211 with Amazon Connect
The State of the Social Safety Net
Orange County, CA faces significant challenges despite its affluence:
1 million residents on Medicare (out of 3.5 million total population)
7,322 individuals facing homelessness, with 48% homeless for the first time in the past 12 months
What is 211?
211 is a social services directory and information hub for each community
211 in Orange County handles over 1,100 service providers and 3,000 programs
The social services ecosystem is highly fractured and disconnected, making it difficult for individuals to navigate
The Solution: Amazon Connect
United Way of Orange County acquired their local 211 and deployed Amazon Connect to solve key challenges:
Lack of reporting and insights into resident sentiment, agent productivity, and conversational insights
Leveraged Amazon Connect's Contact Lens to analyze conversations, sentiment, and trends
Lack of forecasting and scheduling tools leading to higher wait times and lower customer experience
Utilized Amazon Connect's forecasting and scheduling capabilities to optimize agent schedules and capacity planning
Manual quality assessment process making it difficult to evaluate agent performance and customer experience
Automated agent performance evaluations using Amazon Connect's machine learning-powered analytics
The Architecture
Detailed diagram showcasing the integration of Amazon Connect with other AWS services (Lex, Transcribe, DynamoDB, S3, Quicksight, etc.) to enable a seamless 211 experience
The Results
Improved call center specialist productivity and customer experience
10% improvement over operational benchmarks
Streamlined data integration and visualization through the use of AWS services
The Future
Potential for replication and expansion of the solution to other United Way organizations
Leveraging data and insights to further enhance the ecosystem of care coordination
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