The ideal micro-frontends platform (ARC325)

Microfrontends: Scaling Frontend Application


  • Over the past 10 years, we have seen an evolution in distributed systems, starting with microservices and later adopting a similar approach in the frontend with microfrontends.
  • Microfrontends aim to address the challenges of scaling frontend applications, enabling faster delivery, decentralization, and reduced cognitive load for developers.

Key Takeaways

Why Microfrontends?

  • Microfrontends enable incremental upgrades, faster deployment cadence, and decentralization of the frontend architecture.
  • They help reduce the cognitive load for developers, allowing new team members to be productive more quickly.
  • Microfrontends align the technical architecture with the organizational structure, following the Conway's Law principle.

Microfrontends vs. Components

  • Microfrontends are context-aware and encapsulate their own state, unlike reusable components that can introduce coupling.
  • Microfrontends aim for independent implementation, minimizing shared code and owned by a single team.

Microfrontend Platform Design

  1. Identify Microfrontends: Vertical and horizontal splits based on business subdomains.
  2. Composition: Client-side (application shell) or server-side rendering.
  3. Routing: Handled by the application shell, either client-side or server-side.
  4. Communication: Using techniques like event emitters, custom events, or reactive streams.

Developer Experience

  • Implement performance testing, automatic updates for shared libraries, and security scanning as part of the developer workflow.


  • Adopt a discovery pattern to enable independent deployment of microfrontends.
  • Leverage techniques like canary releases and blue-green deployments.

Microfrontend Value Stream Teams

  • Optimize for a single technology stack, minimize shared code, and embrace a "you build it, you run it" mindset.

Case Study: Formula 1 Digital Technology

  • Achieved a 34% increase in subscriptions and signups, 26% reduction in platform costs, and significant performance improvements.
  • Implemented a gradual migration strategy using the Strangler Fig pattern.


Microfrontends offer a powerful approach to scaling frontend applications, aligning the technical architecture with the organizational structure and enabling faster delivery, decentralization, and reduced cognitive load for developers.

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