Wacom Bridge general availability announcement, with free access for Amazon DCV and Amazon AppStream 2.0 customers until January 15, 2024
Plans for further enhancements, including support for additional operating systems and improvements to the Ink Line technology
Detailed Summary
Trends and Pain Points in the Creative Industry
Content creators are competing for audience attention, and quickly delivering new, high-quality content is crucial.
The industry is seeing a shift towards a distributed, global production workforce, driven by increased demand for artists and their desire for more flexibility.
Incorporating global voices and authenticity in storytelling is important, but this transition is challenging, requiring support for distributed teams, collaboration, and productivity.
Key pain points include security, latency, and the need to enable artists to use any device while maintaining consistency and ownership of content.
Wacom's Journey with AWS
Wacom is a technology company with a 40-year history, known for its pen input and display products.
Wacom's mission is to bring harmony between humans and technology, with a focus on the creative community.
Wacom Bridge was developed in response to the pandemic, enabling remote creative workflows for artists and studios.
Wacom partnered with AWS, as an innovator in the virtual production and remote high-performance solutions space, to jointly develop and integrate Wacom Bridge with Amazon DCV.
Wacom Bridge and AWS Integration
Wacom Bridge provides a private, low-latency channel that connects the local Wacom device to the remote application running on the cloud.
Key features include seamless application settings transfer, Wacom Ink Line technology for a natural drawing experience, and support for Windows Ink.
The integration with Amazon DCV was achieved through the extension SDK, allowing Wacom Bridge to become a fully integrated part of the Amazon DCV experience.
Deployment options include Do-It-Yourself Cloud VDI on Amazon EC2 with Amazon DCV, as well as the fully managed Amazon AppStream 2.0 service.
Future Roadmap and Availability
Wacom Bridge is now generally available, with free access for Amazon DCV and Amazon AppStream 2.0 customers until January 15, 2024.
Future plans include support for additional operating systems and further enhancements to the Ink Line technology for an even more immersive and natural drawing experience.
Customers are encouraged to try Wacom Bridge and provide feedback to help shape the ongoing development of the solution.
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