Using AI for good: AWS & Vasion creating safe global child sponsorship (IDE203)
Using AI for Good: Creating Safe Global Partnerships for Children Worldwide
The discussion was moderated by Vivian Ere, an ISV Account Manager at AWS, who introduced the topic of using AI for good and creating safe global partnerships for children worldwide.
The panel consisted of:
Ryan Wedig, Co-founder and CEO of Vasion, a global digital transformative company focused on end-to-end automation.
Corey Kenra, Chief Product and Technology Officer of Vasion.
Patricia Wilkins, Founder of Basics International, a nonprofit focused on global equity for children in Emerging Markets to have access to STEM education and basic needs.
Inspiring Story of the Partnership
Ryan Wedig shared how he met Patricia Wilkins at the AWS Reinvent Pavilion, where they had a simple conversation about how Vasion could help Basics International.
Patricia Wilkins emphasized the importance of finding a partnership that could address their specific needs, particularly in the areas of child protection and personalized engagement, rather than just using off-the-shelf software solutions.
The partnership between Vasion and Basics International was formed, and within a month, Vasion had a team in Ghana, training Basics' staff on the new software solution.
Addressing the Global Challenge
The discussion highlighted the global issue of access to education, with UNESCO projecting 235 million children and youth worldwide between the ages of 6 and 18 to be out of school by 2024.
Patricia Wilkins explained that Basics International's primary focus for the past 25 years has been to provide access to education in underserved communities, addressing not only school admission but also school retention.
The Co-created Solution
Corey Kenra walked through the key features and functionalities of the solution, which leveraged AI and generative AI to automate the child-to-donor sponsorship process.
Automated letter writing and screening for sensitive information using AWS services like Textract, Comprehend, and Bedrock.
Integration of AWS Recognition to detect and filter out harmful images.
Streamlined child onboarding and progress tracking using AWS services.
The solution was designed to be easily scalable and accessible, with "citizen automator" capabilities for Basics International's staff to manage and improve workflows.
Scaling and Measurable Results
Ryan Wedig shared plans to scale the solution to other regions, such as the Philippines and Mexico, leveraging the click-in integrations and no-code interfaces developed.
Patricia Wilkins highlighted the significant gains they've seen, including eliminating the paper-based process, reducing child onboarding from 5 days to 2 hours, and enabling more efficient engagement with children and their sponsors.
The partnership also enabled the integration of international volunteers to support the storytelling and engagement aspects of the program.
The discussion showcased the remarkable story of how Vasion, Basics International, and AWS collaborated to create a solution that leverages AI and generative AI to automate and scale the child-to-donor sponsorship process, while maintaining the personalized and safe experience for the children.
The panel encouraged attendees to explore the solution further and connect with the teams to learn more about how it can benefit their own organizations or initiatives.
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