What’s new with Amazon EBS (STG213)

Summary of the Video Transcription

Introduction and Overview of EBS

  • EBS (Elastic Block Storage) is a network-attached, persistent storage service that provides block storage for Amazon EC2 instances.
  • EBS has evolved over time, providing increased performance capabilities, with the ability to drive up to 256,000 IOPS through a single volume or up to 420,000 IOPS per EC2 instance.
  • EBS offers a highly reliable and durable storage service, with up to 5 nines of durability.
  • EBS also provides security features, such as the ability to encrypt all new volumes in a region with a single setting.

Designing for Resiliency

  • The presentation focuses on providing features and capabilities that support designing resilient architectures.
  • The three main steps for designing for resiliency are:
    1. Understanding potential risks and disruptions.
    2. Minimizing the scope of impact.
    3. Automating recovery.

Understanding Risks and Potential Disruptions

  • Evaluating the dependencies that your application has, which can affect its availability, is crucial.
  • EBS offers different volume types (gp3, io2 Block Express, st1, sc1) to meet various application needs, such as performance, throughput, and latency requirements.
  • The presentation discusses the key considerations when choosing the appropriate EBS volume type, including performance needs, database replication, and instance specifications.

Minimizing the Scope of Impact

  • Leveraging multiple Availability Zones is a key principle for minimizing the scope of impact.
  • Monitoring volumes at different levels (volume, instance, and OS) is crucial for quickly identifying and addressing performance issues.
  • EBS has introduced several features to improve monitoring and observability, including:
    • Volume Health checks
    • IO latency metrics
    • Performance limit metrics
    • Detailed performance statistics with 1-second granularity

Automating Recovery

  • Customers can use CloudWatch alarms and Lambda functions to automate recovery based on the performance metrics provided by EBS.
  • Auto Scaling groups and EC2 Auto Recovery can also be used to automatically replace unhealthy instances.
  • EBS snapshots provide a built-in backup solution, and the new Time-Based Snapshot Copy feature can help with disaster recovery and data distribution.

Additional Resources

  • The presentation provides information about additional EBS-related sessions at AWS re:Invent 2022, encouraging attendees to explore these sessions for more detailed information.

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